Energy efficient house

Energy efficient house

Construction of an energy efficient house

Green construction (like everything else with the prefix “eco”) is at the peak of popularity today. The basis of green construction is “green” technologies, which consist in the use of natural factors to create comfortable living conditions.

An example of such technologies is the bionic architectural direction. It is based on the fact that the laws and forms of living nature are used when designing a building. These include alternative methods of generating energy (sun, water, wind) and natural, environmentally friendly materials.

All this creates a favorable climate in the eco-house and in the surrounding area, and also does not harm the environment.

An eco-house can be briefly described as follows: it does not have a negative impact on the environment, is comfortable and efficient in terms of energy consumption.


What other characteristics distinguish an eco-house from an ordinary one? First of all, such a house is effective from an economic point of view. The energy consumption in such houses is low, so they are called energy efficient or passive.

At the same time, eco-houses are designed in such a way that they lose very little heat, which is especially important in the cold season.


Energy efficient house

Eco-house technologies

The ideal version of an eco-house is an independent system that operates on the principle of self-sufficiency thanks to alternative energy sources. This can be achieved using the methods described below.

Bridges of Cold

Firstly, good thermal insulation of all walls of an eco-house is necessary. Attention should be paid especially to the so-called cold bridges: corners, joints and metal elements. It is through these places that heat escapes especially quickly. Secondly, it is recommended to install three-chamber double-glazed windows into the windows, which also help retain heat.

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Heat exchange

In an eco-house, it is necessary to organize an artificial ventilation system, which includes recuperator-heat exchangers, which helps save up to 75% of heat. This system works as follows: air from the street is supplied to the house through a pipe, passes through a heat exchanger, where it is partially heated by air coming out from inside the house towards it. However, these two air flows do not mix with each other, and only clean air enters the house.


Alternative energy sources are an integral part of the eco-house system. Of these, solar and photovoltaic systems, geothermal heat pumps and wind generators are the most commonly used. The result is a house with its own ecosystem, the need for space heating is several times lower than that of a conventional one.