Which apartment design should you choose?

Which apartment design should you choose?

Any good apartment renovation begins with a design project. It is he who determines what the housing will look like, how comfortable and functional it will be. Having bought even the simplest design magazine, you will find that there is a huge number of styles, among which it is practically impossible for an untrained person to understand.

When choosing an apartment design, they are guided by several criteria:

  • Preferred style;
  • Functionality;
  • Features of your character;
  • The cost of implementing a design project.

Let’s talk in more detail about some of the above criteria.

Apartment design style

Each element of interior design must correspond to a single style. Otherwise, you will not get the desired effect. Practice shows that this cannot be done without the help of an experienced designer.

But before you hire his services, study a few design magazines, check out the most popular styles, and try to first decide on two or three options you like.


In this case, this term means:

  • Harmony of interior items located in the apartment;
  • Layout;
  • Furniture that matches the lifestyle of family members;
  • Good and comfortable lighting.

It is important to understand that the design of an apartment that is not distinguished by the presence of spacious rooms should include more light colors.

For zoning, you can use appropriately designed lighting. To do this, spotlights are installed in two-level ceilings above the desired area.

Character and personal preferences

All people are different. Some people have creative inclinations, some like noisy companies, while some love silence and minimalism. All these points must be taken into account in the design of the apartment.

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Experts note that richer people like to emphasize their status and order design projects that allow them to turn various glamorous ideas into reality.

The home of such people may contain expensive paintings, decoration with gilded elements and handmade mirrors. But a simple IT specialist may prefer post-modernism. The design of an apartment for travel lovers often contains many ethnic ideas.

The main rule: the design project must first of all please you personally, and not just your designer.

And finally. Don’t forget about the cost. It is not always possible to turn the apartment design you like into reality due to too high costs for finishing work. Be smart about this and order the design project that you can afford.